How to Start a Small Business Online:
Starting a small business online is not easy but success is guaranteed if you follow seven steps. Step one is to find a need and fill it. Step two says write copy that sells. Step three includes designing and building a website that is easy to navigate. Step four is using search engines to drive traffic to your site. Step five is establishing an expert reputation for yourself. Step six includes following up with your customers and subscribers with email. Step seven includes increasing your income through back- end sales and upselling
Step one is to find a need and fill it: The growth of Caribbean cuisine in the states and success with our
family restaurants Jerk chicken, Caribbean specialities and Hot sauces.
Step two says write copy that sells: This proved difficult at first with the many porn site offers that I
started receiving. I guess jerk sauce is not appropriate for some.
Step three includes designing and building a website that
is easy to navigate: I still don't find my site
that easy to navigate. My choice to eliminate
the need for sign up info to be required with all orders is on the table. I
will research this!
Step four is using search engines to drive traffic to
your site: This was done regularly for years
and with continued growth and success of
the site. My goal will be to investigate and bring this investment of time and
dedication back to my wonderful website that is so in need of energy and life!
Step five is establishing an expert reputation for
yourself: With my numerous cooking classes, and
loyal, dedicated guests, regular appearances on am buffalo, radio guest,
fundraisers carving 500 jerk pork sandwiches with the opportunity to
look,and thank each patron for being a
supporter of the charity involved. Our family business also had an excellent
customer base since it opened in 1934 with the end of prohibition.
Step six includes following up with your customers and
subscribers with email: We were the first in the
WNY area to work with simply Certificates which sent out a personal signed Happy
Birthday, Happy Anniversary, and Thank you for signing up with a complimentary
$15 welcome back gift certificate. Over the years the data base grew to over
6,000 guests. The mailings monthly were discontinued because of labor and
postal increases. There was loss of guests with this change.
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